16 October 2009


Two years, four months, and three days since my last post. The documentary impulse arose when I suddenly found myself with time on my hands. A LOT of time: nine months of voluntary unemployment until I began graduate school. Writing, however sporadic, however banal, served as a reminder that those months off the grid happened. Were happening.

And here we are again. Unemployed, but involuntarily. Time on my hands, but indefinitely.

BUT: Graduated. Twice.

So, rather than come sighing back with tales of crushed dreams and deflating ambition, these posts will try to look forward. I refuse to surrender these days as Lost. But first, a quick turn back. Since quitting this blog I've, in no particular order:

- received two Master's degrees thankyouverymuch
- traveled to Germany, Sweden, Spain, Bermuda, New York, California, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
- lived and worked (okay, interned) in Washington, DC for a summer
- visited Fallingwater (if i had a "bucket list," that would be a huge checkmark)
- made some amazing, brilliant new friends
- moved. twice.
- learned more than i ever cared to know about foreclosures and eviction law
- learned how to cook
- started eating (some) fish, and the occasional chicken wing
- won my fantasy football league Super Bowl
- witnessed Obama get elected in Grant Park
- done calculus for the first time in the 2000s
- sprouted gray hairs, plural
- starting working part-time for Chicago's real-life FAME
- reconnected with pals from ye olden days (thanks, Facebook)
- oh, joined Facebook. and Twitter
- had my artwork installed in the winter garden of Harold Washington Library
- attended six weddings in four states
- been the maid of honor for one
- biked a relay triathlon
- biked the Venice Beach boardwalk
- applied for over 50 jobs.

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